Friday, 7 March 2014

Evolution | The 'Dark' Side

As a serial apologiser, I feel like a sorry is in order - with a whole lot of excuses on top. As I write this post, I'm fairly bleary eyed and on the brink of falling face first into my laptop (and no, I'm not drunk although I wish I was)! The past few weeks have slowly crept up on me and we have now violently collided.

Finishing my first work placement on Friday 7th February, I packed up and moved out of my apartment, travelled home to Leeds, unpacked, re-packed and travelled down to London for two weeks of training, unpacked, caught up with my fellow apprentices, finally purchased that Cambridge Satchel, tried Lebanese food, played too much wii Zumba, made a programme trailer, explored the big LDN, packed, returned to Leeds, unpacked, had a hair revamp, searched high and low for a new car (still failing), started my second placement, caught up with family, visited Bianca and her family in Manchester to celebrate her sister's 21st, travelled to London for the BBC Apprenticeship conference, returned home, went back to work, caught up with friends and then finally, I have stopped to breath.

Looking back it's been an absolutely manic month and I am not even sure where to start or what to tell you - so I though I'd show you instead. After all, they say a photo speaks a thousand words...

*WARNING - really uncool selfie coming up*











001. Just to give you a background story to this - I was extremely excited about finding out where my second placement would be which resulted in this beauty.

002. I am the Queen of bag ladies - true Nomad Style - and you may, or may not have, noticed the recurring feature of packing! I swear I could make a living from this new found skill!

003. This bag is my pride and joy! I'd been yearning after a Cambridge Satchel for months after my trusty tan leather bag broke and decided that being in London was the perfect excuse to visit the store in Covent Garden to soak up the whole experience.

004. My first ever experience of Lebanese food. Le Comptoir Libanais is a little hidden gem just off Carnaby Street; with bags of culture and a canteen-like set-up, I'd definitely recommend it if you're up for trying something different.

005. Carnaby Street - my new favourite spot in London.

006. This talented bunch are the QLC team and some of my fellow apprentices.  As part of our qualification we created a taster trailer for a programme that Moses, Charlotte and myself pitched to a board of 'commissioners'. 

007. Celebrating our final day together in a glorious Soho pub after a hectic week of filming. I absolutely adore these girls.

008. Hair c/o my mother - A shameless selfie, but after weeks and weeks of moaning about my hair, I finally decided to just cut it off. I'd recently dyed it a lot lighter so decided to keep some of the colour by dying the roots of my hair to my natural shade, leaving me with an ombre look. I love it!

009. Last weekend we celebrated Bianca's sisters birthday at the 235 Casino in Manchester and then had the most amazing afternoon tea courtesy of her Mum who is potentially the best cook ever! Think sushi, salads, birthday cake (of course) and the best brownies you could ever imagine.

010. I should probably explain this… Basically, my second placement is with an independent production company, namely Shiver at ITV Leeds. The idea is that we can gain further experience within the industry but outside of the BBC - aka the 'dark' side. 

So here we are, March 2014. How did that happen?! I'm excited for the next three months and have promised myself to get back on top of blogging now everything is settling down.

As always, feel free to ask any questions or take a look at the BBC apprenticeship website here, applications for 2014 are now open!

What have you all been up to this month?
L x

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